

10 October 2013

Servidão Ferdinando Tusset s/n Bairro São Cristovão - Brasil

II Workshop on Aquaculture and Ecosystem Services

Servidão Ferdinando Tusset s/n Bairro São Cristovão - Brasil

07 February 2023

By: Thierry Trochet

Four presentation's videos of experiments

Presentation of experiments in PISCEnLIT project and actors' points of view.

07 February 2023

By: Thierry Trochet

EPCN 2012

5th Conference of the European Pond Conservation Network <br /> « Little things mean a lot: understanding the role of ponds in a changing world » <br /> June 4th to June 8th 2012 <br /> Luxembourg

07 February 2023

By: Thierry Trochet

LCA Food 2012

Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector<BR /> 2 - 4 October <BR /> St Malo <BR /> FRANCE

07 February 2023

By: Thierry Trochet

AQUA 2012

AQUA 2012<BR /> “Global Aquaculture – Securing our Future”<BR /> 1 au 5 septembre 2012<BR /> Prague <BR /> Czech Republic
clicRBS Chapeco

07 February 2023

By: Thierry Trochet

Dry spell causes break from 30 to 40 % in the fish farming - Santa Catarina

Até o tradicional peixe da Semana Santa está ameaçado pela estiagem que atinge o Oeste de Santa Catarina. De acordo com o extensionista e pesquisador da Epagri de Chapecó que é responsável pela área de piscicultura, Jorge de Matos Casaca, as perdas oscilam entre 30 e 40% em toda a região. As perdas são maiores nas espécies de carpas.

07 February 2023

By: Thierry Trochet

Reporter Andrea Godoy talks about the Efapi 2011

Bring informations on the national fish farming to reporter Andrea Godoy and it interviews Jorge Casaca, fish farmer and technician of the EPAGRI (Enterprise of Farming Inquiry and Rural Extension of San Catarina).